We are pleased to announce that registration is now open for the Design And Technology Teachers’ Association State Conference 2022. Register now and pay before the early bird deadline on Friday 20 May to secure the discounted rate.
To view registration fees, please view: https://www.dattaqld.org.au/conference/registration/
For the first time ever thanks to our technology sponsor, Inspired Education Australia, the DATTA Qld State Conference 2022 will be partially on-demand to watch, online!
We understand it has been a tough couple of years for teachers with the implications of COVID causing illness, major staffing shortages and cuts to school budgets. Therefore, we are proud to announce that in 2022, thanks to Inspired Education Australia if you can’t attend in-person in Brisbane from 16–17 June you can register and pay to attend part of the DATTA Qld State Conference ONLINE. Yes, you read right, part of the 2022 program will be available online to watch from your computer, from anywhere with a good internet connection. The cost will be $295 inc. GST for Members and $350 inc. GST for Non-Members.
All plenary sessions and the concurrent sessions held in session rooms B1, B2 & B3 (please refer to program) will be available to watch back after the conference for up to six months. The most popular sessions will also be available to watch LIVE on Thursday and Friday!
Don’t miss this opportunity to attend #DATTAQLD2022 from wherever you are, or if you know you can’t attend on those days, or the cost to get to Brisbane doesn’t quite work for your school, you can watch back another day.